346 Projects and Articles in Access Type Courtyard Access

Fondaziona Prada: Casa della Memoria and Galleria Gió Marconi
Architect: Chris van Duijn, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas
Year: 2015
Location: Milan, Italy
Building Type: Museums

St. Trinitatis Catholic Church
Architect: Schulz und Schulz
Year: 2015
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Building Type: Sacred Buildings

House Riihi
Architect: Anssi Lassila
Year: 2015
Location: Luoma-aho, Finland
Building Type: Housing

Chapel of St. Lawrence
Architect: Avanto Architects
Year: 2010
Location: Vantaa, Finland
Building Type: Sacred Buildings

“De Hogeweyk” Dementia Village
Architect: Molenaar&Bol&VanDillen architecten
Year: 2009
Location: Weesp, Netherlands
Building Type: Housing

Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
Architect: Frank O. Gehry
Year: 2010
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Building Type: Hospitals

Butaro District Hospital
Architect: MASS Design Group
Year: 2011
Location: Butaro, Rwanda
Building Type: Hospitals

G-Flat Residential Building Ensemble
Architect: Architecture WORKSHOP Koh Kitayama
Year: 2006
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Building Type: Housing

Villas en Bande Residential Development
Architect: Jean-François Zevaco
Year: 1969
Location: Agadir, Morocco
Building Type: Housing

Kvistgård Residential Ensemble
Architect: Vandkunsten
Year: 2008
Location: Kvistgård, Denmark
Building Type: Housing