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(BDT_09_045) Pharmacological Research Building, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG

Pharmacological Research Building, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG


Architect: sauerbuch hutton architekten

Year: 2002

Location: Biberach, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_053) BIOSTEIN Agrobiological Research Centre of Novartis Crop Protection AG

BIOSTEIN Agrobiological Research Centre of Novartis Crop Protection AG


Architect: Wilhelm und partner Freie Architekten

Year: 1996-1998

Location: Stein/Aarau, Switzerland

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_055) Southwest Bio-Tech Intermediate Test Base

Southwest Bio-Tech Intermediate Test Base


Architect: Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Year: 2000-2001

Location: Chongquing, China

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_057) Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics


Architect: Heikkinen-Komonen Architects, Henn Architekten

Year: 1999-2000

Location: Dresden, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_059) Graz Research Centre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Graz Research Centre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences


Architect: Architectenbureau cepezed b.v.

Year: 1998-2000

Location: Graz, Austria

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_037) Institute for Chemistry and Lecture Building for Chemistry and Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Adlershof Campus

Institute for Chemistry and Lecture Building for Chemistry and Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin, Adlershof Campus


Architect: Volker Staab Architekten

Year: 1999-2001

Location: Berlin, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_040) State Office for Chemical Investigations

State Office for Chemical Investigations


Architect: Michael Weindel Freier Architekt

Year: 1996-1999

Location: Karlsruhe, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_043) Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR)

Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR)


Architect: BMBW Architekten + Partner

Year: 2000-2003

Location: Bonn, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_025) Centre for Information and Media Technology, Adlershof Science and Technology Park

Centre for Information and Media Technology, Adlershof Science and Technology Park


Architect: Architectenbureau cepezed b.v.

Year: 1999

Location: Berlin, Germany

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings

(BDT_09_026) Parque Tecnológico IMPIVA

Parque Tecnológico IMPIVA


Architect: Carlos Bento, Carlos Ferrater, Jaime Sanahuja

Year: 1993-1995

Location: Castellón, Spain

Building Type: Research & Technology Buildings